Monday, June 10, 2013

Be fearless

  1. I am completely responsible for what I have created in my life. What I have created, I can un-create. What I like... I can create more of....
  2. There are no 'mistakes' as everything happens for a reason  and works toward my highest good....
  3. I am unlimited in what I can do. I am more powerful than I can imagine but I believe....
  4. How I choose to perceive and interpret the events and people in my life is completely up to me and greatly influences the delicate eco-system in my mind, and thus similarly influences what happens to me externally. I control my reactions ... I choose my joy...
  5. I am only limited by my self-imposed beliefs.... I believe in the abundance if love and laughter in my life... I believe I can create more and give it to the universe with my positive energy...Practice makes perfect....
  6. I can shine light into any dark place.... I choose light and joy just as I choose love and laughter ...
  7. The conflicts and struggles I perceive all around me are actually within me.... Perception is 99% reality ... I can change my perception...
  8. Every person and event in my life is a gift, a teacher, and an opportunity to learn.... I can embrace that opportunity and see it as a gift... Open my heart...
  9. Every moment is new and it is my choice as to what it will be.... Every day is a fresh chance to choose what my reality will be.. Every moment I focus on my attitude and blessings I lay a foundation for a better future...

Abundance. Love. Laughter. Light. Joy.  These are my gifts and I share them with you,

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