There are many opportunities in Las Vegas based on the foreclosures and prices that have been driven down based on over-all market.
There are homes in Summerlin that a few years ago were selling for 500k that are now availabe in the low 300's. Summerlin is one of the most desirable areas in Las Vegas based on location, location, location. The amenities in and around Summerlin make it what it is.
For details on foreclosures or real estate in Las Vegas give us a call or email us. We can setup a watch list based on your requrirements. When a property is put on the market that meets your specifications, you will recieve an email notifying you.
This will allow you to react and schedule to view the property. To setup an automated search stop by
Live Well, Love Much, Travel Often... with a side of Laughter...Life as an adventure, seeking the best in food, wine and travel... Always choosing to focus on the abundance in life that is beauty, love and laughter! The universe is but a reflection of the thoughts and attitudes we harvest...Our experiences tainted by our perceptions...The journey we follow is the life we lead, so make it count.
Monday, February 25, 2008
Las Vegas Real Estate Stats Released
The Review Journal posted the 4th quarter real estate appreciation stats of 2007. They weren't pretty with 56 of the 61 zip codes in negative digits. The few zip codes that were positive may be a bit squewed due to the high rise luxury condos mixed in. For a full list and to review the map check out my investor hotlink section on
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Pinnacle Project Sued
Pinnacle Development was recently hit with a class action lawsuit by frustrated buyers. Pinnacle has not broken ground after changing contractors three times in three years. See more in our investor section for the full Review Journal article.
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